Tuesday, May 17, 2011

B2ST addiction :D

Hi there!! Long time no blog le~~


Paiseh now abandon SHINee and FT Island...
I ownage B2ST~~
OMG i'm addicted to Junhyung??
I called him ugly and an alien last time!!
But i found out that he is so fugging cute~~

Just rmb that Cheryl, Alyssa and *can't rmb who called HyunSeung an alien when we were practicing our graduation dance.
And i agreed to that.
I agreed that all of them were ugly except YoSeob and Gi Kwang.
But after watching ShinPD Variety Show, i started to love all of them!
OMG HyunSeung is so funny and kept asking question.
He's so cute~
Dong Woon is so pretty. He look like American. :D
Doo Joon is so handsome!
Yo Seob so kawaii~
Gi Kwang so shuai~
Jun Hyung so cute~~

HAHAHA *Can't stop laughing *Cries

BEAST!! Awesome!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kpop rock my LIFE

I Ownage them.
Sian i tryin' to learn SHINee Lucifer and Hello.
How come so difficult one ar???
Anyway i was so OBSESSED with Key and JongHyun now.
Key so cute, JongHyun so hot... XD

I love SHINee Hello Baby. Yoogeun is so fvcking cute~
I ownage him too haha. xoxo

LMAO i dreamt of having a surprise party with SHINee and Yoogeun. And then Key is my boyfriend
and JongHyun, Taemin, Onew and Minho are my awesome bro while Yoogeun is my didi. And then they all sing Stand By Me while Yoogeun dance Ring Ding Dong.

WTF.. good dreams, good memories, nvr going to forget.
Jiayous~ I must learn Lucifer and Hello!!

I love SHINee and F.T. Island


I wanna BANGS~~

Someone made me laugh my ass off.

Siak Hoe lovesick... -.- made me one to have bf...

Anyway i cant wait for my b'day, haha.
Aww, how i wish Leroy can go watch movie with us tgt. :DDD
I hope so~

Siao Ding Dong... My b'day still must exercise.
Early in the morning 7 O'clock, need to wake up and go Bukit Timah Hill for trail walk with Spikers.
I wanna lead infront.

After that, going to watch movie with Chhay Heng they all. Sian... I dw Panittha to go. If Leroy go, then i jealous. Ltr she sure snatch away from me one lorr.. I wanna talk to Leroy bro sia.

I wish Siak Hoe and Benjamin Yi Jiang going to watch movie.
I wanna HYUNG go watch with me.. D:
I wanna Gregg Hell Demon and Gideon~~

After that going eat with Papa, Mama anf Gor gor.
DD: After my birthday, soon going to start exam.. SIAN

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chongxian rocks!

I'm GREAT!!~
What a good liar i am.

Went to ChongXian's house today.
Mum doesn't know. If she knows, i'm dead!
So i plan an awesome plan. XD
I told her i'm going to Lot 1 to borrow books. Of course, to make it look like its real, I wore PE pants and white shirt ( the shirt and pants i often wear). And of course i did when to Lot 1 to borrow books.
Went to Lot 1 around 2 and borrowed 4 books.
Mum told me to reach hm by 4.
Went to ChongXian's house at 3.

But he told me to wait downstair cos got people in his house. WHO?? :( Haha!
Gave me two packets of drinks.
We talk alot just for 1hrs. It's great!
He ask me bout' the gee and the belt and i told him it cost $5 for one alphabet. And the chinese chracter cost $8.
He's HILAROUS! He tot one stroke ( in chinese chracter) cost $5! OMG! It's impossible!

Sms Beril and asked. WHAT??
One alphabet cost $1.50. One chinese chracter cost $3. What a big diffence fm wat i said. -.-
Talk alot alot alot bout' Taekwondo.
Found out tat he studied in Teck Whye Sec with WeiMing in Sec 3. WeiMing 1st join Tkd. A few mths ltr, ChongXian then join. He ask me when i join tkd. Pri 2, going to pri 3. Lols.
Talk bout' WeiMing, Tess, Siak Hoe and lots.
Don't know he's so hilarous.

I told him i'm hungry and he even brought me one packet of Bee Hoon and another packet of winter melon drinks fm his house. So good, ChongXian! :)

He even gimme Ang Pow?
Ang Pow?
He's not even married how can he gimme? Haha.

So bad lehh... He dont let me go his house.
Why cant? Yr bball brothers in yr house ar?

SO BAD! :(
I must go yr house one day!
Got to go hm now.
See you soon, ChongXian ge!
12/2/11 Aishiter
u saranghae!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

WeiMing, dont quit~

I tried to wash away my pain, but the salt water that surrounded my body, penetrated my cuts and stung like hell...

Don't you ever want to quit, WeiMing Tan. WHY???


Don't leave me, won't you?

You made me pissed!
You made me cry lots.
You made me cry a river.
Is this what you want?
Why are you ever leaving Tkd?

There is no secret to success. It's the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure. You've done two of them. Preparation and hard work. BUT, you didn't stand up and try again!

I don't blame you for being you. But you can't blame me for hating this.
I'm going to hate you for this if you ever QUIT!

What is the wit you? :/
I curse tat examiner!

If you quit, Chongxian also going to quit!
Please dont quit, wont you? -.- :(

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ice Skating Invitation :) 21/12/10

Wassup! :)
We are getting hyper this month!
You wanna be!
____, is invited to go on an ice skating trip.
My attention is grautated to the ice skating trip on 30thDecember
We wanna celebrate New Year 2011.
Date: 3othDecember2010
Time: 10.30am
Meet at: Lot 1 Macdonald(outside)
Thinga to bring: Gloves, jacket, sparred shirts & clothes
& Money( $16.50 for 2 hours)
Planner: Yu Ning, Yu Jun, Carine
Number: 94773008
Still counting down
Lots Of Love,
Yu Ning, Yu Jun, Carine

Lol this is actually the invitation card for Taekwondo people one. Lol.. Cos i 被放飞机, so now asking Taekwondo people to go. More Fun!
Why i 被放飞机? Cos actually yesterday going ice skating with 6C. Alot of people cnnt go. i ask Danson and he said sure no boys going so he didn't want to go. Now only Yu Jun, Carine and me going. Like waste money lor... Cnnt show off ice skating mahh.. Haha Paiseh!

Sian lorr...无原无故被骂. 真的很好笑! Instructer Brendan scolded all the black & poom belt for not helping out and checking the pattern. And i was punish to do 2o PUSHUP! 如果你的rank比我小, 我一定骂到你狗血淋头! Sry instructer... Angry ma. Don't scold me liao. Lol.

Now passing out the invitation card.
1st: Yu Ping 2nd: Jessica 3rd: Zhien Yi 4th: Beril 5th:YouYang
6th: WeiMing 7th: Chongxian 8th: Siak Hoe 9th: Benjamin 10th: Hema
11th: WeiMing
WeiMing again? No la.. Actually is Evelyn one but she didn't come today so i passed to him lorr..
Since they live same block mahh..

Lols.. Ya! You're right. Not community or Taekwondo invitation. Is just our( Yu Jun, me & Carine) personal ice skating trip lorr.. Lols. So paiseh! 一下子give so many boys the invitation card. But happy cos can give out to some many people. Lols! :)
BAIBAI LORR.. 走了everybody. Lols sms me if can go. :)

Chalet :) 18/12/10

Left to right: YouYang, Evelyn, Cindy, Me
Left: WeiMing Right: Chongxian

Down: Cindy Up: Ethan Evelyn

Siak Hoe

First row( left to right): Me, Cindy, Evelyn, Yu Ping, YouYang
Second row( left to right): Brendan Instructer, WeiMing, Siak Hoe