Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ice Skating Invitation :) 21/12/10

Wassup! :)
We are getting hyper this month!
You wanna be!
____, is invited to go on an ice skating trip.
My attention is grautated to the ice skating trip on 30thDecember
We wanna celebrate New Year 2011.
Date: 3othDecember2010
Time: 10.30am
Meet at: Lot 1 Macdonald(outside)
Thinga to bring: Gloves, jacket, sparred shirts & clothes
& Money( $16.50 for 2 hours)
Planner: Yu Ning, Yu Jun, Carine
Number: 94773008
Still counting down
Lots Of Love,
Yu Ning, Yu Jun, Carine

Lol this is actually the invitation card for Taekwondo people one. Lol.. Cos i 被放飞机, so now asking Taekwondo people to go. More Fun!
Why i 被放飞机? Cos actually yesterday going ice skating with 6C. Alot of people cnnt go. i ask Danson and he said sure no boys going so he didn't want to go. Now only Yu Jun, Carine and me going. Like waste money lor... Cnnt show off ice skating mahh.. Haha Paiseh!

Sian lorr...无原无故被骂. 真的很好笑! Instructer Brendan scolded all the black & poom belt for not helping out and checking the pattern. And i was punish to do 2o PUSHUP! 如果你的rank比我小, 我一定骂到你狗血淋头! Sry instructer... Angry ma. Don't scold me liao. Lol.

Now passing out the invitation card.
1st: Yu Ping 2nd: Jessica 3rd: Zhien Yi 4th: Beril 5th:YouYang
6th: WeiMing 7th: Chongxian 8th: Siak Hoe 9th: Benjamin 10th: Hema
11th: WeiMing
WeiMing again? No la.. Actually is Evelyn one but she didn't come today so i passed to him lorr..
Since they live same block mahh..

Lols.. Ya! You're right. Not community or Taekwondo invitation. Is just our( Yu Jun, me & Carine) personal ice skating trip lorr.. Lols. So paiseh! 一下子give so many boys the invitation card. But happy cos can give out to some many people. Lols! :)
BAIBAI LORR.. 走了everybody. Lols sms me if can go. :)

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