Tuesday, May 17, 2011

B2ST addiction :D

Hi there!! Long time no blog le~~


Paiseh now abandon SHINee and FT Island...
I ownage B2ST~~
OMG i'm addicted to Junhyung??
I called him ugly and an alien last time!!
But i found out that he is so fugging cute~~

Just rmb that Cheryl, Alyssa and *can't rmb who called HyunSeung an alien when we were practicing our graduation dance.
And i agreed to that.
I agreed that all of them were ugly except YoSeob and Gi Kwang.
But after watching ShinPD Variety Show, i started to love all of them!
OMG HyunSeung is so funny and kept asking question.
He's so cute~
Dong Woon is so pretty. He look like American. :D
Doo Joon is so handsome!
Yo Seob so kawaii~
Gi Kwang so shuai~
Jun Hyung so cute~~

HAHAHA *Can't stop laughing *Cries

BEAST!! Awesome!!

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